True blue not green

April 20, 2010 at 10:08 pm | Posted in London | Comments Off on True blue not green
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David Cameron wants to be seen pictured sledging on a glacier with huskies to
register his ‘concern’ for the environment while the Conservative website
proudly announces a Conservative Government will make developing
renewable energy sources a priority.   Tory Councils tell a different story.

As Greenpeace revealed, Tory councils block more than three times as many
wind farms as they approve. At the current rate of approvals it will
take Conservative councils more than 100 years to replace one coal fired
power station.

The proposal at Kingsnorth is to build two 800mw coal fired power stations. At the current rate of Tory approvals, an average of 14.9mw per year, (44.7mw over three years), it will take  Conservative councils more than 100 years to replace one coal fired power station.

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